Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Please send us photos and/or stories about your own random experiences with kind strangers!
(Please keep it PG, folks) -thank you


lindsay ostrom said...

so... last my my ATC's group of ladies ( artist trading cards) surprised me with the presentation of $60 cash to purchase and ad in my daughters yearbook. I had mentioned to one of them that my daughter was getting a F in her yearbook class because she couldn't sell any ads. I have taken one out and she finally sold one to a friend... but she needed 4 ads to get rid of that F. Our group sells nothing... in fact, artist trading cards are "Always traded, never sold".... but they wanted to help her out and purchased and ad anyways.
That is my RAOK ( random act of kindness ) that really happened to me yesterday. Thanks for this blog... very pay it forward of you....

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