Sunday, November 14, 2010


Not Christmas Yet, But Almost Thanksgiving (you eager beavers) 

As always, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it is almost completely forgotten amidst the open season early Christmas shoppers. This year, take some time to think about friends and acquaintances that may have had a difficult year and invite THEM to dinner at your place. It's not out of pity or charity and  it's no hand out. It's just a kind gesture and a way to surround yourself with great people around a table full of STUFF YOUR FACE! And be honest, there are ALWAYS leftovers... but do you really need those leftovers? But hey, if this idea of non-blood or marriage related guests consuming delicious food at your house freaks you out, see if THEY would like to host the event instead. AND IF THIS sounds too crazy, maybe take all of those leftovers and give some of them to that guy you see on the sidewalk, everyday, on your way to work. Share the wealth and show people that your love for them and their friendship is not forgotten this year.


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