Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not Convoluted, But Simple... and f***ing delicious

            Work, paired with the obstacles one must overcome on a day to day basis, can be very exhausting. This can create a large amount of stress in the family, with friends, or even at the workplace. You can help chill these hot tempers with some nice, creamy, warm cocoa. Real drinking chocolate or even the simple powdered variety can bring an epic, exultant look to any body's face.

After work today, I went next door and purchased a few boxes of this amazing, dehydrated beverage mixture. I handed out packets to all of my co-workers, one by one; each time taking a moment to watch that childish little grin grow across their face. It only set me back a couple of dollars but it gave everyone a boost to finish out the night. Of course, some chili powder or some peppermint Schnapps would have given it a little extra kick, but the spice rack at my work is kinda sparse and alcohol isn't really allowed on the sales floor.

As the days get colder, give this some thought and maybe try it out at your work. It takes very little effort, but the return is totally worth it. Maybe pick up a small pack of gingerbread cookies while you're at it and really show everyone how bad ass you are.


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